Friday, April 7, 2023

Video Tutorial - Naaki, Camus und Kokana

I followed the same "Naaki, Camus und Kokana" video by Lisette Hofer CZT that I blogged about yesterday. I enjoyed drawing the first tile and wanted draw another tile with different colors.

You can watch Lisette's video HERE on her Tangle-Nische channel on YouTube. You can see her tile from the video HERE on Instagram.


  1. Linda, what have you used to color your Lisette-inspired tiles? They are both lovely, but I must say I'm partial to the shades of green and lilac tile -- it just shouts Spring! Thanks for sharing your art.

    1. Thank you. I used colored pencils. If you would like to know the exact brands and colors, I will try to remember what I used.

  2. It looks beautiful, like a mandala, love the colors!
