Friday, November 30, 2018

Today's Tangles - Hooked, Lichen & Loopies

I found the pattern for "Loopies" HERE on Cookie's Crafts on Flickr.

This is one of two patterns called "Lichen" and is by Jennifer Hohensteiner. Her version is found HERE at The other one is HERE at and looks completely different. With hundreds of tangle patterns on the internet, it's surprising how few duplicate names there are.

UPDATE: The Pattern-Collections website has shut down. Click HERE to view the alternate version of this pattern.

"Hooked" is by Ronnie Szczerba and her pattern is HERE on Flickr.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Official Zentangle® Patterns - Chainging, Spoken, Waybop & XYP

All of today's patterns have official step-outs, including this one called "Waybop". You'll find the step-out HERE. Ellen Wolters has a video HERE and Jessie has one HERE.

"XYP" is pronounced "zip" according to THIS newsletter article which includes the official step-out. I found three videos featuring this pattern HERE, HERE and HERE.

You will find the official step-out for "Chainging" HERE in the Zentangle newsletter. Melinda Barlow CZT shows how to draw this tangle in THIS video. I found five more videos HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. I found this pattern to be complicated to draw and I'm not sure if I've done it quite right. Granted, I drew this tile a long time ago and I might find it easier to draw now.

"Spoken" also has an official step-out HERE in the Zentangle newsletter. I found two videos for this tangle. MimiXY has one HERE and Melinda Barlow has one HERE.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Official Zentangle® Pattern - Hurry

"Hurry" is one of my favorite official tangles to draw and the step-out is found HERE. I can think of a couple of possible reasons for the name. One could be because it looks a bit like freeway overpasses crossing each other. Or, maybe they called it "Hurry" because it's quick to draw. With a lot of official tangles, you have to rotate your tile after each stroke. With this one, you draw six strokes before turning the tile with the exception of the first step. Your drawing is done in a hurry because you don't have to turn your tile as much. Having said that, I really have no idea how they came up with the name.

There are videos about this tangle HERE, HERE and HERE.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Official Zentangle® Patterns - Auraknot & Façade

You will find the official step-out for "Auraknot" HERE in a Zentangle newsletter. They first introduced the pattern in another newsletter article HERE where they challenged their readers to figure out how to draw "Auraknot" by looking at their examples.

The tile below came out a little different, probably because I started with eight points instead of six or possibly because I did something wrong.

There is an official video for this pattern HERE on the Zentangle YouTube channel. I also found some other videos HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

I haven't seen an official step-out for "Façade", just this one HERE on Pinterest. Ellen Wolters has a video about this tangle HERE and Jessie demonstrates it in THIS video.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Today's Tangles - Three Grid Patterns

"Charmzy" is by Kelly Barone CZT. Her pattern is posted HERE on her blog.

"C-bun" is by Esther Piszczek CZT and the pattern is found HERE at Although I thought this pattern was cute, I wasn't quite sure what to do with it all alone on a tile. I think it would make a nice filler tangle but I simply drew it as is and embellished it with some shading and metallic gold dots.

"Estee" is by Lindy Clarkson and her pattern is posted HERE at Ellen Wolters has a video HERE. I drew mine like the step-out but on a square grid like Ellen shows in her video. I also added a little color and some metallic gold dots.

UPDATE: The Pattern-Collections website has shut down. Click HERE to view this pattern.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Today's Tangle - Well Freehand

"Well Freehand" is by Helen Williams and the pattern is found HERE on her blog. You can watch her video tutorial HERE. I embellished mine with some delicate graphite auras.

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday I will be taking a little break from blogging. Have a wonderful holiday everyone!

Monday, November 19, 2018

A Springkle Birthday Card

I showed you the tile below HERE when I blogged about the official Zentangle pattern called "Springkle". You'll find information about that tangle in that post. I thought it would make a fun picture for the front of a birthday card so I drew it again on the tile above. It's odd trying to recreate a tile. The spontaneity is missing, especially when trying to copy the same elements and make them look the same on the second tile. My husband told me that the second tile looks like I copied it from the first one, which of course is what I did. That's OK though. I'm happy with the way it turned out and it's not exactly the same as the first tile either.

Here is the original tile for comparison:

I glued the tile onto a sheet of dark charcoal gray card stock. Because the paper was so dark, I couldn't print the text with my printer. So, I added a handwritten greeting on the inside with a white Gelly Roll pen.

Since my previous post about this tangle I came across the official step-out for "Springkle. Below you can see the official version which is just a little different than what I showed in my other post. The main difference is the little spike coming out of the cap. The unofficial step-out posted HERE is pretty close to how it looks on the official step-out. I left off the spike on a few of mine because Maria didn't draw them on hers in the "Zentangle® Project Pack #02 -- Day One" video. I also added a little weight in the corners on some of them as shown in one of the variations on the step-out.

I have to say that "Springkle" was very roughly drawn on the official step-out and it seems to have evolved over time just like some of the other Zentangle patterns such as "Mooka".

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Official Zentangle® Patterns - Chillon, Emingle, Flux, Keeko, Msst, Printemps, Tortuca & Warble

Above is a sampler of eight more official Zentangle patterns. The tile at the bottom of this post has all of these tangles labeled.


I found a step-out for "Chillon" HERE at I found four videos featuring this tangle HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.


While there doesn't seem to be an official step-out for "Emingle", it is simply a grid filled with square spirals. It is similar to another official tangle called "Ambler". The difference between the two is that "Ambler" is drawn as a ribbon of square spirals that "amble" across the tile and "Emingle" is drawn on a grid. You can read about this tangle HERE at There are videos HERE, HERE and HERE. The second video shows "Ambler" and the last one is labeled as "Ambler" but she actually draws "Emingle".


There are two versions of "Flux" depending on who is drawing it. Rick draws his like the example in the top right corner of my tile. Maria draws hers more like the example in the bottom left corner. You'll find the official step-outs for both versions HERE in the Zentangle newsletter. While researching and looking for information about all of the official tangles, I came across a hint that Rick's version of "Flux" was formerly called "Purslane". Whatever the case may be, it is now commonly known as "Flux" and seems to be the most popular of the two versions. It's not there now but Linda Farmer's list of official Zentangle patterns used to have "Purslane" on it. I suspected from another clue that I saw online that it was the same as "Flux" and THIS blog post by Margaret Bremner confirms that. Read the caption below her drawing.

There are videos about this "Flux" HERE, HERE (Melinda Barlow CZT), HERE (Maria's version), HERE and HERE (also Maria's version).


Sandy Steen Bartholomew has a step-out for "Keeko" HERE on her blog. I found videos HERE and HERE.


Sandy Bartholomew also has a step-out HERE for "Msst". There are videos HERE, HERE and HERE.


Sandy has a step-out for "Printemps" as well, HERE. Margaret Bremner has a blog post full of ideas for this tangle HERE and check out Adele Bruno's "Tips for Tangling Printemps" HERE. I found videos HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.


I wasn't able to find a step-out for "Tortuca" but Adele Bruno has "Tips for Tangling Tortuca" HERE on her blog. It is one of the tangles featured in THIS video.


I wasn't able to find much online about "Warble" but Ginny Stiles CZT has a step-out HERE on her blog. I also found several examples of tiles with this tangle so I'm confident that this is how it looks. I couldn't find any YouTube videos about this pattern.

UPDATE 3-3-19: I found a video about "Warble" HERE. She has seven other videos about some of the more obscure Zentangle patterns too. I hadn't seen this channel before because she only just put up her first video two months ago.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Today's Tangle - CaligraV

Mary D’Angelo's "CaligraV" pattern is posted HERE at Melinda Barlow CZT has a video about this tangle HERE.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Today's Tangles - 3pli & Delice

Lindy Clarkson's "Delice" pattern is found HERE at Dawn Collins has a video HERE and Melinda Barlow CZT has one HERE.

UPDATE: The Pattern-Collections website has shut down. Click HERE to view this pattern.

"3pli" is by Alena Light and her step-out is also found at HERE. Watch MimiXy's video HERE, Melinda Barlow's video HERE and one by Dawn Collins HERE.

UPDATE: The Pattern-Collections website has shut down. Click HERE to view this pattern.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Official Zentangle® pattern: Paradox

You'll find the official step-out for "Paradox" HERE in the Zentangle newsletter. I drew the "fan" version on the tile above because it's my favorite. Just to be fair, I drew the example below using the alternate method. It's just as much fun to draw but not as pretty.

Margaret Bremner has an article HERE on her blog where she has lots of tips for drawing "Paradox" inside different shapes, etc. Adele Bruno also has some tips for tangling "Paradox" HERE.

I found loads of videos about this tangle. There's THIS one on the Zentangle YouTube channel. Check out the videos HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Two More Classic Zentangles

These are my third and fourth Zentangle tiles drawn with only official Zentangle patterns. You can read about my first two tiles HERE. I started both of them with four corner dots, a border and a "Z" string. Below each tile there is a list of the tangles that I have blogged about with links to my posts. I plan to blog about the others eventually.

This is my third tile and it features "Mooka", "Pokeleaf", "Tortuca" and "Warble". Once again the patterns were chosen at random.

Pokeleaf - I blogged about it HERE.

I managed to squeeze in eleven tangles on my fourth Zentangle tile. I randomly chose a few ribbon tangles and several filler tangles thinking that I would use about five of them. Before I knew it, I had used all but two on my list plus I added three more that weren't on my list.

The tangles on this tile are "Ambler", "Twing", "Tipple", "Fife", "Flux", "Swarm", "Sedgling", "'Nzeppel", "Jetties", "Springkle" and "Tidal". "Jetties" isn't one of my favorites but I used it anyway and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Ambler - I blogged about it HERE.

Fife - I blogged about it HERE.

'Nzeppel - I've blogged about it HERE and HERE.

Sedgling - I blogged about it HERE.

Springkle - I blogged about it HERE.

Swarm - I blogged about it HERE.

Tipple - I blogged about it HERE.

Twing - I blogged about it HERE.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Today's Tangles - Blooming Petal & Brax

These two tangles have a similar look so I decided to blog about them together.

"Brax" is by Helen Williams and the step-out is HERE on her blog. Bunte Galerie has a video HERE.

"Blooming Petal" is by Maria Barbosa and her step-out is HERE at Dawn Collins has a video HERE.

UPDATE: The Pattern-Collections website has shut down. Click HERE to view this pattern.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Today's Tangles - Aurora, Thumbprintz & Uinline

"Aurora" is by Sarah Harrison and you'll find her step-out HERE at Dawn Collins has a video about this pattern HERE. I drew my pencil grid a little too small so mine came out rather tiny. I squeezed in as many feathers as I could in the small amount of space so mine look a little more compact than the original design.

UPDATE: The Pattern-Collections website has shut down. Click HERE to view this pattern.

"Thumbprintz" is by Traci Frogley and her step-out is posted HERE on Flickr.

"Uinline" is by YuRu Chen and the pattern is HERE on her blog.

UPDATE: Yu Ru Chen's blog appears to be gone. Click HERE to view this pattern.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Official Zentangle® Patterns - Cogwheel, Dribbetz, Ellish, Hollibaugh, Isochor, Nekton, Ravel, Swarm & Tagh

Some of the tangles that I am blogging about today don't have officially published step-outs and some do. It was a challenge to find much online about some of them without a lot of searching. Rather than filling entire tiles with each of these tangles, I drew them on the sampler tile that you see above and also at the bottom of this post with each pattern labeled.


There was a time not too long ago when I had found examples, and many step-outs, of every one of the official tangles on Linda Farmer's list at except for "Ravel". Every search that I did online came to a dead end because I could find no example images or information about it. About a month or so ago, I stumbled upon the blog and the author of the blog is a CZT. The great thing is that she posts the pattern names under pretty much every tile posted on the blog. "Ravel" is shown on two different tiles and I figured out which tangle was "Ravel" through process of elimination. You can see both examples HERE and HERE. Assuming that these two examples were drawn as the unpublished CZT step-out shows, it looks quite a bit like a tangle called "Garlic Cloves". The difference that I see is that "Ravel" is arranged in distinct flower-like clusters of spokes and "Garlic Cloves" is very random.


I don't know the source but there is an example of "Dribbetz" HERE on Pinterest. I also found several tiles featuring this tangle on You can see them HERE.


Although I couldn't find an official step-out for "Nekton", I did find one on Katy Abbott CZT's blog HERE. I also found several example tiles with this tangle on them at HERE and a couple more on another blog HERE and HERE. Ellen Wolters has a video HERE.


It was very difficult to find examples of this tangle on Pinterest because a pattern by Melinda Barlow CZT with a similar name comes up instead. Melinda's is called "Wheel Cog" and it looks quite a bit different than "Cogwheel". I finally found out what it really looks like once again care of the blog. Click HERE to see several tiles featuring "Cogwheel".


"Ellish" does have a published step-out HERE in the Zentangle newsletter. I found videos HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.


You'll find a step-out for "Hollibaugh" HERE on Sandy Steen Bartholomew's blog. I found a lot of videos HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.


I haven't come across a step-out for "Isochor" but I have seen many examples of it online. Everyone seems to have a slightly different idea of what this tangle looks like so I just took a guess at which one is likely to be the most "official" when I drew mine. There is a very large example of it HERE on Flickr. has a different idea for this tangle. Take a look at THESE examples that I saw there. Ellen Wolters has a video HERE and I found one more video HERE.


"Swarm" has an official step-out HERE and I found videos HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. I find this pattern very difficult to draw. I can draw the first element without much trouble but adding on to it results in a huge mess every time I try. I got around that by drawing just a tiny sample.


The closest thing that I can find for a step-out for "Tagh" is Adele Bruno's "Tips for Tangling TAGH" blog article which you can read HERE. I also found two videos HERE and HERE. I didn't draw my example quite right. The little "pips" on each petal shouldn't be as big as I drew them.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Official Zentangle® Patterns - Shattuck & Yincut

There is an official step-out for "Shattuck" HERE on the Zentangle blog. I also found one HERE on Sandy Steen Bartholomew's blog. This pattern can be drawn a few different ways and I think that the curvy version is probably the most popular. If you look closely at my tile, you'll see that I also drew some of the straight version in the corners.

I found videos for "Shattuck" HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

The step-out for "Yincut" is HERE in the Zentangle newsletter. I also found three videos about this tangle HERE, HERE and HERE.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Official Zentangle® Patterns - Betweed & Diva Dance Fox Trot

There are official step-outs for both of today's tangles. You'll find the one for "Betweed" HERE in a Zentangle newsletter. I found lots of videos about this pattern HERE (Melinda Barlow CZT), HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. The last link is on the Zentangle YouTube channel and I'm pretty sure that Maria is doing the drawing.

"Diva Dance Fox Trot" is one one of three versions of the pattern called "Diva Dance". You'll find the step-outs for all of them HERE on the Zentangle blog. You'll find even larger versions of the patterns HERE on Laura Harms' blog. Although there are quite a few videos about "Diva Dance", I couldn't find many about this version of the pattern. I did find two HERE and HERE.

UPDATE 5/25/23: I've removed the link to Laura Harms' website because it is infected with a virus.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

My first two Zentangles

I've been tangling for nearly a year and a half. My blog has over 200 posts yet in all that time I had never drawn an actual Zentangle tile using the Zentangle® method. Not that I haven't wanted to do so. It's just that I've spent most of my drawing time trying out tangle patterns and I usually only draw one pattern at a time on my tiles. As you've probably noticed, I use a lot of color on my tiles as well.

I was recently invited to join a new Facebook group called "Today’s Tangles: Keeping it Classic" and I decided that it was about time that I draw some classic Zentangle tiles. These are my first two. I followed the rules of the group by starting with four corner dots, a pencil border and a string. Two other requirements of the group are that you must draw with black ink only and shade with a graphite pencil. I filled my tiles with only official Zentangle patterns as per the group rules.

To chose which tangles to use on my tiles, I made a list of some of my favorites and numbered them. I asked my husband to pick numbers between one and sixteen and those were the tangles that I drew. That saved me from having to decide which patterns to draw.

These are the tangles that I drew on the tile above:


I have blogged about "Centipede" HERE, "'Nzeppel" HERE and HERE, "Rain" HERE and "Snail" HERE.

Above is my second Zentangle and I used these tangles:


I've blogged about "Bales" HERE, "Ennies" HERE, "Hibred" HERE and "Pinch" HERE.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wednesday's Tangle - Flipflop

"Flipflop" is by Lori Byerly and I found the step-out HERE on her Doodles from the Heart blog. It's about halfway down the page. I think this would also look cute with an aura around it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Official Zentangle® Patterns - Snail, Squill, Tidings & Zander

Although it's not an official step-out for this tangle called "Snail", there is one HERE at for a pattern that is very much like "Snail". Personally, I prefer what I think is the official way of drawing it where there are auras around the snails and that's how I drew mine. I saw a step-out that looks more like the official version on Pinterest but I couldn't find the source for it. I used that pattern to draw mine. I wasn't able to find any videos about this tangle which surprises me because it's such a pretty one.

Although I've seen quite a few example tiles featuring "Squill", I have only found one very sketchy step-out on Pinterest and no source for it. It almost looks like a screenshot from a video. Melinda Barlow CZT has a video about "Squill" HERE.

I haven't been able to find a step-out for "Tidings" but there is a video tutorial HERE. In the video she shows a step-out so I was able to determine how to draw it from that. I can't say for sure that this is the official method though.

"Zander" doesn't seem to have an officially published step-out either but I have a rough idea of how to draw it based on images found on Pinterest. I also found three videos HERE, HERE and HERE.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Official Zentangle® Patterns - Hollibaugh, Isochor, Noom Repus,'Nzeppel, Pokeleaf & Pokeroot

Sandy Steen Bartholomew has a step-out HERE for this tangle called "Hollibaugh". I also found some suggestions for drawing variations of "Hollibaugh" HERE at I found seven YouTube videos about this pattern HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

"Isochor" is one of those elusive tangles that has no published step-out. However, I found examples of it on three different blogs where the authors were following the book "One Zentangle A Day: A 6-Week Course in Creative Drawing for Relaxation, Inspiration, and Fun" by Beckah Krahula. Apparently Day 5 in the book covers "Isochor". I was able to get a rough idea of how this tangle should look by comparing their example tiles. You can see them HERE, HERE and HERE. I also saw several other examples on Pinterest that had no links to their source and they also gave me ideas of how this tangle looks. I could only find this one video by Ellen Wolters HERE.

Thankfully there is an official step-out for this tangle called "Noom Repus" because I love the shape of it. It's a little tricky to draw but I got the flow of it after a few tries. You'll find the step-out HERE in a Zentangle newsletter. In that article they explain how they came up with the funny name for it. I found two videos HERE and HERE. This tangle was also featured on Day 8 of the 2017 Twelve Days of Zentangle video series (Zentangle® Project Pack #02 - Day Eight). You can watch that video HERE.

"'Nzeppel" has an official step-out HERE and there is also another article about how to draw the "crazy" version of it HERE. Molly Hollibaugh shows how to draw the crazy version in two videos, HERE and HERE. I also found eight more videos for the regular version HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.

Sandy Steen Bartholomew has a step-out for "Pokeroot" HERE on her blog. The pattern also features a variation called "Pokeleaf" which you can see below. There are probably thousands of examples of this tangle on Pinterest. Molly Hollibaugh shows how to draw it in THIS video. I also found six other videos HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. "Pokeroot" and "Pokeleaf" were both featured on the second day of "The Twelve Days of Zentangle 2017" in THIS video.

"Pokeleaf" is featured as a variation of "Pokeroot" HERE in this Zentangle newsletter. It is also featured in this Zentangle Project Pack #01 video HERE. I also found five other videos HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE.