Monday, July 1, 2024

Today's Tangle - Layered Flower Zendala

Today's tile was inspired by Barbara Langston's avatar on her YouTube channel. You can see the tiny version of it HERE. I asked her if she had done a video tutorial about that tile and she said that she had done a private class a couple of years ago. She sent me a larger photo of her tile so that I could see the details better and I've posted it below. Her project involved creating three different cut out layers that are combined with bits of cardboard between them to raise each one above the one below. I couldn't tell that by looking at her tiny avatar so I drew mine flat on a single round tile. The shading sort of gives the effect of layers.

These are the tangles that are featured on this tile:

Boofont - by Joanna Quincey. As far as I know, there is no step-out for "Boofont" but Joanna has a video tutorial HERE on YouTube.

Diva Dance - by Zentangle. The step-out is posted HERE.

Henna Drum - by Jane MacKugler CZT. The step-out is posted HERE.

Printemps - by Zentangle. There is a step-out posted HERE.

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