Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Today's Tangle - Flair

This version of "Flair" is by Chris Titus and there is no step-out that I am aware of at this time. Chris has a vintage Flair kitchen stove and the glass oven doors have this design on them. She posted her interpretation of the design in one of the Facebook groups that I belong to and she wasn't sure at the time if she would make a step-out because it is similar to another pattern. The gist of it is to draw a square grid. Inside each square of the grid, draw fat seed shapes that span from corner to corner and overlap each other.

There is another pattern called "Flair" that is by Deb Myers CZT and I blogged about it HERE.


  1. It's quite similiar to Nvelope before you add any details - although of course the lack of details makes the finished tangle look quite different. I like the way your version makes me notice cirlces that overlap the squares!

    1. You're right. It does look a lot like Nvelope and I don't think that Chris thought of that tangle. She was thinking that it was too much like Margaret Bremner's Double Double to make a step-out for it but I disagreed. On the other hand, Nvelope might be a better reason not to make a step-out for Flair.

  2. I believe there is a 3rd Flair by Beth Snoderly, published on Tanglepatterns.com. I admit, I like hers a lot, probably because it is a more organic tangle.

    1. I looked it up and I hadn't seen Beth's Flair before. It's rather surprising that there aren't more duplicate tangle names than there are.

  3. Its called Envelope, because that is a security pattern found inside envelopes.

    1. Yes, it is nearly identical to Nvelope. Jem mentioned that pattern in her comment above.
