Saturday, December 14, 2019

12 Days of Zentangle - Day 7

The Day 7 project gave me a lot of trouble. I must have tried to draw it at least four times, increasing the size of my reticula pods each time. No matter how large I drew the pods, I just couldn't draw the smaller pods inside them like Molly shows in the video. My Micron 01 pen was too thick to draw such tiny details and that was for the largest ones. I never got far enough to attempt to draw any of the the smaller inner pods.

So, I decided to do my own thing and still keep the spirit of Molly's example tile. I liked the idea of using pods and "Well" fragments so I needed to come up with something that would give me triangular spaces between my pods. What I ended up drawing is a sort of cross between "Tripoli" and "Rumpus" which I filled with gold orbs. By setting up my tile with a Tripoli-like grid, I ended up with lots of triangles to fill with "Well" fragments. Everything about my tile was a pleasure to draw with no frustration whatsoever.

Click HERE to watch the Project Pack #7 video for Day 7.

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